I am just a Geek with too many interests. These include fitness, Virtual Reality, programming, Sim Racing and Filmmaking. In the following sections I go into a little more detail on the various topics. For more information about my professional career, please visit my Xing or LinkedIn account via the links.
I always want to keep fit, be active and eat well.
That's why I work out every week and watch what I eat very carefully.
I've been a vegetarian/vegan for a few years now.
At first I found it difficult to get the nutrients I needed.
But over time I got used to it and have a balanced diet that also fits in with my activities.
My two main types of training are calisthenics and running.
I train both relatively evenly within a week.
I also stretch every day in the morning and evening.
As I have tended to neglect training over the last few years and have done almost nothing before, especially when it comes to stretching, I am currently finding it difficult.
Success or visible results will also be a long time coming.
But I am willing to apply the necessary discipline, as I want to feel more comfortable in my body in the long term.
If you're interested in finding out more about this topic, take a look at my Instagram account.
I'll keep you up to date with stories from my training sessions and more.
I've been interested in video games since I was a little kid.
And ever since I got my first Gameboy for Christmas, I could never let go of it.
Over time, I started developing my own ideas for games or improving existing ideas.
But only on paper.
Towards the end of my school years, I started to teach myself the first computer languages.
During my professional training and afterwards, the idea that I wanted to do this as a career became more and more firmly established.
The thoughts then turned into concrete action in 2014 when I started studying to become a media computer science specialist.
And then in 2016, when I switched to studying to become a game programmer, I finally moved completely in the direction of game development.
During my studies, I started several projects, which can be seen in the games section of the website.
For personal reasons, I didn't go into the games industry after my studies.
Until 2025 it was rather quiet for me in the field of game development.
From 2025 onwards, I have been actively working on projects again.
Some are rather small to get back into it, but over time larger projects will also be tackled again.
For more information on current projects, please have a look at my GitHub page.
You can also find the complete project for my bachelor thesis there.
During my studies to become a game programmer, I became more aware of Virtual Reality as we had access to VR headsets.
After testing it once, I was completely hooked and from then on I focused all my projects on Virtual Reality.
All projects are in the Games and Virtual Reality section of the website.
I am not only active in the development of projects for VR.
I want to draw attention to Virtual Reality and perhaps encourage others to give VR a try.
For this reason, I stream various VR games at different times of the week.
Take a look if you are more interested in the topic.
I would be delighted.
I've always been interested in racing games.
Even on the Atari, I really liked the F1 game.
I also had a lot of fun later on the PC with the Need For Speed games.
At the latest with the Gran Turismo parts, which I also played endlessly, I had a certain enthusiasm for racing games.
In my childhood, I also watched a lot of Formula 1 races live with my father.
Sometimes very early in the morning or at night.
At the time, I had no idea that I would really get into Sim Racing over 20 years later.
In 2022, a good friend of mine came and showed me how cool Sim Racing is in Assetto Corsa Competizione.
A year later I gave it a try with a very cheap steering wheel and 2 months later with a slightly better steering wheel (Thrustmaster T300 RS GT and the T-LCM pedals).
I thought a lot about how intensively I really wanted to pursue the hobby and found out for myself that I really wanted to put a lot of time into it.
Once that was clear, I built myself a fixed Rig and am in the process of raising the equipment to a professional level.
If you are interested in the whole topic of Sim Racing and you want to watch me race, please have a look.
As I am generally very enthusiastic about media, it is not too surprising that I am also interested in films and their production.
I have watched the making-ofs for many DVDs and Blu-rays.
The point at which everything turned more towards making movies was when I went to see Les Miserable in 2013, as it was the first movie I had seen in English.
After going to the cinema, there was a lot of publicity for the Oscars and that the film had a lot of nominations.
From then on I was hooked.
I watched the Oscars live.
Since then, I've watched the ceremony live every year on Sunday night.
A year later, I flew to Los Angeles for the first time for a month and attended a language school.
I was more than enthusiastic about Hollywood and the whole film industry.
Then in 2015 I attended a film school in Burbank for an 8 week intensive filmmaking workshop.
I learned every aspect of filmmaking.
From the idea, script, planning, casting, cinematagrophy, sound, acting, producing to editing my own films.
We shot in the Universal Studios backlot, among other places.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to realize any more film projects since then, as my focus has shifted more towards game development.
All of my films (or my contributions) can be found in the Films section of the website.