image from movie
image from movie
image from movie
image from movie
image from movie
image from making of
shooting the first takes
image from making of
preparing to shoot
image from making of
checking the image with the director
image from making of
working together as a team
image from making of
dolly shot inside
image from making of
dolly shot outside

Welcome to A Family Trial!

This was a project I worked on with a friend of mine in Switzerland. It was a study project and we were shooting three days. It was challenging project with huge dolly parts and steadycam shots. Because this project was a study project it was never shown public.


Greta and Hans are lawers at their family's company. Greta and her stepmother are not good together. One day the stepmother gives a case to Hans that Greta would not take at all. Greta persuades her father to get the case instead of Hans knowing that he possibly could not handle it.

finished 10/2016
Cinematagropher / Editor