Here you find all VR games I created or was part on. From small projects that were made in 48 hours to my bachelor projects.
This project is a multiplayer VR action game where the players have to defend guardians. Choose from a range of weapons and pick ups. Fulfil quests and defeat the enemies. Play in Coop or Competition mode and get the best score.
This project was my final project during the Diploma level at the SAE Institue. The player can equip their avatars with different body parts. The main game takes place in levels like a beach and a office theme. The goal is to move around, find the ball and throw it at other players and run away.
By sitting on a real hobby horse the player has to control a dragon by leaning forward, backwards, left and right while sitting on the horse! The goal is to fly through the rings and get to the end! This project was done at the Audi Hackathon at the Digility 2017 and won the first place in the Game category!
The idea for this game was created during a private 32 hour game jam! The player can choose different weapon and every weapon has a unique special skill! The player can move around by teleporting!
This application is build for Android smartphones. In the teacher version of the app the user can create questions and object groups. These object groups can be placed on a map and the questions can be sticked to them. In the lesson the teacher shows the students in VR the objects and can pop up the questions. The students can answer these qeustions.
This is an Assignment from the second semester and should be like a real technical article from a magazine. It is about developing application and games for Virtual Reality Devices and the differences between "normal" development and VR. The article is in german because it was the required language and primary language of my study period.